[好书推荐]下面这个书单,是小编特别为女性读者们准备的书单,而对于男同胞而言,这俨然就是一份送礼指南。 1、《一个人的好天气》 《一个人的好天气》是日本80后女作家青山七惠的代表作,荣获
Dork Diaries
作者:Rachel Russell
I recommend this book because this book is interesting. Exciting thing about this book is that you can make your own diary too.
Black Beauty
作者:Anna Sewell
This book is realistic, and it lets people think more about treating others nicely through narrating the story of horse.The book reveals people's cruelty towards animals and depicts feelings of horse when he was sold out again and again.
Which Witch
作者:Eva Ibboston
It is a wonderful book for fans of Harry Porter. Secondly, it illustrates magic which witches perform in the story.
Believe it or not
作者:Anne Marshall
I want to recommend this book because ithas things that only part of us can possibly attain. There are many picturesshowing what amazing things people had done.
Wayside School
作者:Louis Sachar
This is a very funny and interesting book.It writes about the funny stories of every student and teacher within one specific class in Wayside School through thirty stories of them.
I recommend this book since it is veryinteresting although sometimes it does not write about reality. A very funnypart of the book the magic of Ms. Guff. She can turn students who do not pay attentionwhen she is teaching into apples.
Island of The Blue Dolphines
作者:Scott O'Dell
I love this book as it describes a real survival story on an island. An eighteen-year-old Indian girl who survives withanimals for years really stimulates my passion for exploring more about the nature.
作者:Louis Sachar
This book is a very realistic and excitingone. It introduces people about the harsh surroundings, blood-dripping storiesand how barbarous and cruel the camp leaders are.
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
作者:Roald Dalh
The book demonstrates a very famous chocolate factory which has a chocolate fall in it. An interesting scene which attracts me the most is that a fat guy attempts to eat the chocolate while falling into the machine.
Nancy Drew and The Clue Crew
Valentine's Secret
作者:Carolyne Keene
The book is mostly about a dispute between Bess, Nancy's best friend, and George. On Valentine's day, they are making their own stuffed animals at Farmer Fran's barn yard. But, nevertheless, someone slips a mean Valentine card into Bess' animal's pocket. Bess believes thatGeorge gives her the card, so they are in a big fight. Fortunately, Nancy jumpsin and solves the case. Therefore it is so interesting while funny in the meantime.
Stone Soup
作者:Jon J Muth
I recommend this old folk story because it tells us to share our own experience with others. If all of us are willing to expose more about ourselves, we are very likely to be more happy.
[好书推荐]下面这个书单,是小编特别为女性读者们准备的书单,而对于男同胞而言,这俨然就是一份送礼指南。 1、《一个人的好天气》 《一个人的好天气》是日本80后女作家青山七惠的代表作,荣获
[好书推荐]又是一年开学季。开学第一课成为话题。 古时候,第一课是童蒙教育的重中之重,那时人们看重的是礼。通常,第一道程序是正衣冠,先正衣冠,后明事理,因此让学生学习注重自己的仪容整
[好书推荐]一花一世界一叶一菩提 诗歌,简练的句子表达深刻的含义。 好的诗歌能让你看见一个世界。 1、《海子诗全集》 海子 作家出版社 2009年3月 不管你有没有读过海子的诗,你一定知道海子这个诗
[好书推荐]书友们!大家心心念的 100 本书成长书单来啦!!!超超双手奉上,供各位大大们翻阅~ 相信通过一年的学习,大家在 沟通力、关系力、逻辑力 3 个维度的能力都会蹭蹭蹭地拔高哦~ 沟通力书单
[儿童书籍]1、《我的爸爸叫焦尼》 这是一个非常温馨感人的小故事,故事的主人公狄姆是一个离异家庭的孩子,他不能经常见到爸爸焦尼,然而只要能和爸爸在一起每一分钟都是快乐的。 他告诉热狗店
[儿童书籍]阅读红色经典故事绘本可以加强革命传统教育,激发青少年继承革命传统,树立实现伟大中国梦的崇高理想,培育新时代的好儿童。下面给大家推荐10本红色经典故事绘本。 1、《闪闪的红星》
[儿童书籍]又是一年入园季。和我们24小时朝夕相处的小人儿,即将背起小书包,开始一段全新的集体生活。 幼儿园,是小人儿第一次接触的大集体,这里对小人儿来说,是有些陌生又有些抵触的,去幼
[儿童书籍]适合小学生看的书和同名电影 电影遇见书 此书单包括: ★★★ 适合低年级孩子观看、阅读的电影与书 ★★★ ★★★ 适合中年级孩子观看、阅读的电影和书 ★★★ ★★★ 适合高年级孩子观